The Science Patrol podcast, named after the heroic anomaly-investigation team from the original 1966 Ultraman series, is an upbeat, in-depth podcast that centers all things Ultraman. Hosted by long-established fan Rich Conroy, as well as self-proclaimed “newbie”, Pat Rooney, the show goes above and beyond reflecting on each episode of the Ultraman series in chronological order. Episodes feature special guests, Ultraman product reviews, fun facts, lore discussion, and much more!

New Jersey natives Conroy and Rooney have a natural chemistry and engaging dynamic. Their lively personalities and dedication to the franchise make for a relatable, exciting listen each week whether you’ve been in the Ultra-game since childhood like Conroy or are navigating the series for the first time like Rooney.

With over 55 years of Ultraman series available today, the sheer quantity of episodic content can be intimidating if you’re approaching it with no prior knowledge. The Science Patrol serves as a great guidebook to exploring Ultraman in its entirety, unpacking each episode of each series ranging from classic series like Ultra Q all the way to the latest series, including Ultraman Decker

The podcast has an impressive cache of Ultraman-related content. With almost 300 episodes spanning across six years (including an early guest appearance by Ultraman Connection producer Jeff Gomez!), there are enough analyses, reviews, and discussions to keep any fan satisfied. For example, there was the recent deep dive into Marvel Comics’ The Mystery of Ultraseven miniseries, which was both raucous and quite insightful. If you’re in the market for a new parasocial commitment (you really get to know these guys), Conroy and Rooney got you covered! 

Like its namesake, The Science Patrol is analytical and community oriented. The Science Patrol Facebook group, made up of almost 200 Ultrafans from across the globe, encourages engagement within the Ultraman fandom and provides a safe space for Ultraman Series fans to express their opinions and bond over shared interest. The page also provides witty status updates, vintage and newly released action figures, links to all of the podcast episodes and plenty of Ultraman inspired graphics, memes, and poster art. 

The Science Patrol is a one-stop-shop of a podcast for all things Ultra. If you’re looking for a great entry point into the Ultraman fan community, if you’re looking for longform Ultraman-centered conversation, or if you’re interested in being ushered through years of content, The Science Patrol is worth looking into. 

New episodes of The Science Patrol are available on all podcast streaming services every week so don’t forget to check them out and as always, stay tuned for more updates here on!