We’re continuing our coverage of Shu Ishido’s diary from Ultraman Arc this week with a sobering entry, as befitting the sobering story “Goodbye, Rin”. Read on to get our impressions of Shu’s thoughts on Professor Yamagami’s crimes, and Rin moving on from her beloved mentor.
We start by getting the details of Professor Yamagami’s arrest and crimes from the perspective of the GDF. Considering the episode is focused primarily on his crimes in relation to his dynamic with Rin, it puts his deeds into a more objective light. It also expands the scale of the crime, shedding light on a full network of supporters of his Kaiju-cell smuggling operation.
For the first time in these diaries, we get specific discussion of Rin’s character from Shu’s perspective. He seems to interact with her the least-often of the SKIP crew, and even in the diary there is a sense of distance. Nevertheless, he values her as a member of the team. In addition, he voices his admiration for Yuma once again, mentioning his role, alongside YouPi, in helping raise her spirits — something he does not feel confident in his own ability to do. You’ll get there, Shu…

Arc’s battle with Pagos and Neronga was a rare time where Arc had to actually kill his foe, something that has become increasingly uncommon in the series. Shu, ever-perceptive of Arc’s condition, recognizes the sorrow that Arc feels when he has to take a life. Going back and rewatching the episode, he honestly comes across as spot-on; After Arc finishes off the two Kaiju and touches down, his face is downcast, rather than a pose of triumph. As the diary entry clarifies, he flies away with that same melancholy look.
It’s remarkable how compassionate Yuma is towards Kaiju, considering his personal tragic history caused by Monogelos. Does he recognize that Monogelos and Digelos are somehow different from the native Kaiju of Earth, or is he simply that kind?