Tsuburaya Convention, AKA “TsubuCon,” is Tsuburaya Productions’ own incredible, two-day show featuring the past, present, and future of not only the legendary Ultraman Series, but other projects like Gridman Universe and Operation: Mystery. This year’s TsubuCon, the first in-person event in several years, promises to be the biggest one yet by a significant margin… and Ultraman Connection is going to be there!
Ordinarily, this massive event’s secrets are only available for the company’s native Japanese audience, with little more than announcements and a few photos making it across the ocean. This year, however, Ultraman Connection is bringing a number of TsubuCon event breakdowns and synopses to you, the global fanbase!
Check back Saturday morning when UC posts the breakdown of the opening ceremony of the show, followed by further event coverage over the course of the weekend! If you want to learn the secrets of TsubuCon, stick close to Ultraman Connection!