LIVE shows are the boss level events! Ticketed events that incorporate a live stage show fight! That's right. Ultras battling Kaiju, Absolutions and who knows what else. Other highlights you might see are actor and creator interviews, interactive Q&A from the audience, merch drops, new story segments, early reveals of upcoming shows and more.
WATCH PARTY events are new and past release showings where we all get together and party on while we watch a show or movie together! These are all about the community and typically are free! You may see your favorite actors and directors being a part of these events. Special releases may require a ticket/VOD rental for entry.
TALK events are a lot like LIVE events except you won't see all the big live stage show action. In many cases TALK events will feature your favorite actors and creators sitting down for inside and behind the scenes discussions. We may also debut more community driven discussions and bring in outsider surprise guests from time to time. These events are going to be free to the UC community.